Friday, May 1, 2009

sort of a love letter

if there's something that i've adamantly told my self and some of my beloved persons, is that i haven't fallen in love/lurve yet and will never ever write (or post in this case) something like what you'll read below...until..this... very... moment. until 'his' moment. so, here, a sort of what you may or can call a love letter for someone who might not get the chance to read this. but emotions are emotions, that is if contained, will just outpour itself in your most unimaginable way. so let me do it my way...

you who is most concerned,

i almost succeeded in convincing myself that the hate i'm feeling for you and your animosity towards me will eventually lead to my freedom from this fiasco.
but yes, almost, just almost.
on the verge.
getting there.
haphazardly done.
and it's all because i saw you so vulnerable, sad and alone. maybe because i have juxtaposed your disposition against mine and i've felt responsible for the loneliness and wariness that you're in. because of this, i almost broke my society-based-wall and have hugged you without any explanation, without a single damn care of what they will say about me. i like you and that what should have just mattered. but i didn't. because i have seen the dislike in your eyes when i tried to give you my all-heart-out smile. it hurt. but it hurts more seeing you so lonely, no friends at all.

i could have been that friend. i wish that i'm that someone who will make you laugh and will show you the world of stories i've so many to offer. my current story is yours but i've some other to tell that my heart tells me you'll definitely like and eventually will cultivate that sound of laughter i love hearing from you. so priceless. so you see, i don't bother how corny is spelled, baby.

you seated beside me and i, again, almost told you that i never expect anything in return or any kind of reciprocation. all i just want to tell you because somehow, i believe that you deserve to know that your mere presence makes someone's moment in time worthwhile and living.

you've been great to me in more ways than one that i know of and if you'll stay the same, i don't know how will i cross next bridge from there. but again, the warmth i feel every time you initiate a conversation, is a piece of happiness beyond definition.

thank you.


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